Treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is a disease in which changes or disorders of bone tissue occur that destroy discs and ligaments in the chest area. Sedentary work, sedentary lifestyle, spinal congestion, stooping, poor posture - all these factors are highly likely to lead to the development of the disease.

thoracic spine pain with osteochondrosis

Thoracic osteochondrosis occurs less frequently than similar disorders in the cervical or lumbar spine. This is due to less mobility of the bones and joints in this area.

Due to the fact that the chest has a convex shape, the load on bones and joints is unevenly distributed. Proliferation of processes in bones often begins in the part that has the most stress - on the front wall of the department.

However, it is impossible to initiate or, even more, to ignore the disease, because the negative consequences of the further development of osteochondrosis can significantly affect a person's lifestyle. Treatment of the disease can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Disease diagnosis

Only a specialist can diagnose osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, determine the degree of its development and prescribe how to treat the patient. But there are several symptoms by which a person can assume the presence of the disease in himself. It might be:

  • pain between the shoulder blades and on the left side of the chest;
  • stomach and heart pain;
  • increased pain during deep inspiration;
  • chest numbness.

As these symptoms can be due to some other diseases, the doctor must perform a comprehensive diagnosis to confirm the assumptions about the diagnosis. The hospital study complex usually includes:

  • Chest X-ray;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs;
  • electrocardiogram, etc.

Only by excluding all possible concomitant diseases, the doctor can make the final diagnosis - osteochondrosis. If any other disorders were found in the body during the examinations, then this should be taken into account when deciding how to treat thoracic osteochondrosis so as not to aggravate the situation.

Osteochondrosis treatment

The treatment of diseases of the thoracic spine, first of all, should aim at reducing pain in the chest region. Therefore, most of the time the process of eliminating the problem includes taking medication, manual therapy and therapeutic exercises to relieve pressure on the discs. It is not recommended to treat thoracic osteochondrosis on your own, only after consultation with a specialist.

manual therapy for thoracic osteochondrosis

If osteochondrosis worsens, sharp pains in the back appear, then the patient can only be treated after the pain subsides. In this case, bed rest is indicated until the patient's condition is relieved. In addition, the doctor may prescribe several other procedures that can potentiate the effect of medications and provide effective treatment:

  • stretching of the spinal discs;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetopuncture;
  • inductometrics, etc.

All these procedures cannot completely cure the patient, but, of course, they will have a positive effect on the treatment of the disease.

Spinal stretching is used during an exacerbation of the disease and helps relieve pain by relieving the load on the discs. This procedure can be performed only under the supervision of a doctor and according to his recommendations.

spinal sprain in thoracic osteochondrosis

Acupuncture is a method that has recently become increasingly popular in the treatment of osteochondrosis, it helps to relieve pain in the thoracic spine, as well as normalize the immune system.

In extremely rare cases of advanced disease, surgery may be necessary. The decision to perform the operation is made by the patient together with the doctor, if gymnastics and manual therapy cannot alleviate the condition of the thoracic spine.


Therapeutic gymnastics involves a set of exercises whose main objective is to strengthen the muscular corset of the thoracic region. The types of exercises are developed by the complex and are available to all people who have been prescribed physiotherapy exercises to solve the problem of thoracic osteochondrosis.

It is a mistake to assume that gymnastics is harmless, and therefore you can prescribe it yourself. Exercises can be started only when the cause of the disease is clear and treatment of osteochondrosis is started. But proper and specially designed gymnastics can significantly affect the healing process.

drug treatment

Drug treatment of the disease involves the use of anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. In addition, the doctor must prescribe drugs that restore cartilage tissue and a vitamin complex intended to strengthen bones and ligaments. However, its application is only possible in combination with other methods of problem elimination.

medicines for thoracic osteochondrosis

An innovative way to treat osteochondrosis is an anti-inflammatory patch, which helps to solve many spinal problems. Its application in the chest area reduces pain, relieves inflammation and improves blood circulation in a certain part of the spine.

Manual therapy

The most effective treatment for a condition like osteochondrosis involves the use of manual therapy. The actions of a specialist will help activate and increase the supply of oxygen to the tissues of the intervertebral discs, as well as help the work of blood vessels and improve lymphatic flow. This allows to return the normal functioning of the thoracic region, stop the development of osteochondrosis and cure the patient.

Effective treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is possible with the use of a set of actions and measures.

Prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis

As timely and effective as the treatment of the disease is, in any case it is easier to get involved in prevention. After all, it is better to prevent osteochondrosis than to spend time, effort, and money curing the condition.

gymnastics for thoracic osteochondrosis

Preventive measures recommended by doctors include:

  • strengthen the muscles of the spine and avoid excessive load;
  • avoiding hypothermia;
  • if you get wet in the rain or sweat in the gym, you should immediately change into wet clothes and wear only dry clothes;
  • strengthening of gymnastics during sedentary work;
  • regular course of back massage (at least once a year).

A strong thoracic spine corset will ensure good health and comfortable mobility for many years to come. Prevention of any disease of the musculoskeletal system is much easier and takes less time than treating the violations that arose later. Do not neglect the advice of doctors, it is better to lead an active lifestyle. Then health will always be strong.